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Embodiment Matters Podcast

Jul 19, 2019

Oh, what a shimmering, gorgeous, living, and enlivening conversation with one of the great embodied thinkers of our time! We loved interviewing David Abram and know you’ll enjoy this episode in which we explore, through David’s unique and gorgeous way with language, ways to be embodied and fully alive in our over-civilized world. We explore ideas about our use of language and the possibilities for “wielding our words” in ways that hold our senses open rather than shutting them down. We speak about recovering the wisdom of our animal senses; “tickling forth a way of being” in the world that is sensory, intimate and alive. David treats us to a reading from Becoming Animal, and shares the invitation to slow down and have patience even during the emergency we find ourselves in. He addresses the importance of leaving space in our lives, pulling the plug on our gadgets regularly to encounter the living world, and he speaks about why not only embodiment matters, but matter matters. We hope you enjoy being under the sensuous spell of David’s language and beautiful mind as much as we did! You can find more about him at We highly recommend his beautiful books The Spell of the Sensuous: Perception and Language in a More-than-Human World and Becoming Animal: An Earthly Cosmology.